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Security Risks of Page-Builder Websites (and Why Custom Websites Are Better)


Having a safe website is important for small and medium businesses in St. Louis. Many businesses use page-builder platforms like WordPress because they're easy to use. But these platforms have big security risks that can harm your business. Here, we will talk about these risks and explain why custom-coded websites are better.

Understanding Page-Builder Platforms

Page-builders are popular because they let people make websites without coding. They give you templates and drag-and-drop tools, making web design easy for everyone. But this ease can make your website less secure.

Common Security Risks with Page-Builder Websites

1. Plugin Problems

Plugins let websites on platforms like WordPress do cool things. But, they can also make your website unsafe. Plugins are made by different people and may create security risks. Some popular WordPress plugins let hackers attack websites by adding viruses.

2. Complex Code

The more plugins and themes you add, the more complex the code gets. This can cause problems and make your website less safe. Old plugins are a common target for hackers. In 2014, a popular plugin called Revolution Slider let hackers ruin many websites.

3. Platform Problems

Page-builder platforms can have security issues, too. In 2021, GoDaddy had a data breach that affected 1.2 million accounts. This shows how risky it can be to use third-party platforms for your website.

4. Slow Performance

Security risks often come with performance issues. Websites using page-builders load slower because of extra code and plugins. Google says a one-second delay in mobile page load can cut conversion rates by up to 20%. Slow websites not only annoy users but also make them easier to attack.

Advantages of Custom-Coded Websites

1. Fewer Attack Points

Custom-coded websites have fewer points where hackers can attack. Using HTML and CSS keeps the code clean and simple. Clean code reduces security risks. This also means you don't need plugins, which limits possible security flaws.

2. Better Control Over Security

With custom-coded websites, developers control the security. They can add strong security measures specific to your business. This includes secure coding, regular security checks, and watching for threats.

3. Less Dependence on Others

Custom websites don't rely on outside platforms or plugins, which lowers security risks. This makes security management more consistent and reliable.

4. Better Performance

Custom-coded websites are light and fast. They don't use heavy plugins or extra features. These websites load faster and give a better user experience. Research says 53% of mobile users leave sites that take more than 3 seconds to load. Faster load times make users happier and help your site rank better on search engines.


For small and medium businesses in St. Louis, having a secure and fast website is very important. Though page-builder platforms are easy to use, they are slow and come with security risks. Custom websites are a safer and faster option. Investing in a custom website helps protect your business and improves its success.

To make your website safer and faster, contact us for a free consultation. Let us help you build a custom website that meets your needs and keeps your online presence secure.

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